In this article I will outline how to use a casting bubble to fly fish. Fly fishing bubbles have been around for a long time, and if you aren't familiar with them they can appear to be a traditional bobber. While a fly fishing bubble may look like a bobber, it is actually quite different. You see a fly fishing bubble is threaded onto your fishing line and "floats freely" on the line itself. The bubble is "stooped" by tying a swivel onto the end of your line. The bubble is then help underwater and "opened" to allow water into the bubble itself.
Adding water to the bubble gives you added weight for casting. In normal situations when you want to fish on the surface of the water the bubble is filled three quarters full of water. Fly fishing bubbles are most productive when fished in still water situations like lakes or ponds. Although this method of fishing flies can be done in rivers, it takes practice and shouldn't be attempted by a fisherman with little or no experience. For the beginner, the use of fly fishing bubbles should be reserved for lakes and ponds.
Using a casting bubble to fly fish is actually quite easy. The rig is set up like this: Thread the bubble through your fishing line with the thinner end of the stopper pointing towards the end of your rod. Now tie on a swivel act as a "stopper" for the bubble itself. A tapered leader is now added to the opposite end of the swivel and a fly is tied to the end of the leader. At this point the stopper is depressed on the bubble itself while holding it underwater. Once the bubble is three quarters full, close the stopper.
This rig is now cast into the water and retrieved slowly. When it comes to fly fishing bubbles a slow retrieve is normally best, although varying the speed of the retrieve can be effective as well. Experimentation is the key to success when it comes to fishing flies in this manner. If you would like to fish with wet flies rather than dry flies, your bubble should be filled completely with water. This way the bubble will sink under the water after being cast out. A bubble, when full, will sink approximately six inches per second.
The bottom line is that you now know how to use a casting bubble to fly fish. Now it's time to get out there and start experimenting. There is little doubt that with experience, this method of fishing will become one of your favorites. Artificial flies are effective for many species of fish from trout to large and small mouth bass and now as a traditional spin fisherman you know how you can fish effectively while using artificial flies.
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